Thursday, October 31, 2019

Different phases of the project life cycle require a flexible approach Essay

Different phases of the project life cycle require a flexible approach in leadership style and skills - Essay Example Whenever we talk about the methods implicated in the project management we in general refer those methods towards the management of people as well as resources. The management of people is the management of workers. Management of people guides us about the roles and duties that a worker can perform in a project for making a project successful. It also guides management what type of staff should reserve for a specific project (Kerzner, 2003). A project manager or leader plays an important role in the success and failure of a project. This paper explains different leadership tactics and qualities during the different life cycle stages of the project. This paper explains the contemporary leadership traits, skills, and behaviors principles, comprising interesting developing views in the changing project life cycle stages, It has placed the gap between extant theory and leadership in technology projects lacks practitioner reflection-in-action, in that existing literature does not prove wh at effective global project managers actually do within the dynamic situational context of multiple competing demands. First of all we will discuss the qualities of a leader, the important point to mention is that: this section will discuss the project’s manger or leader’s project handling qualities, tests and important abilities that he must have in the changing environment. Then next section explains the different qualities and project management styles those are necessary for the project in the each life cycle stages of the project. The last section contains the conclusion and references. Suggested different project management approaches are correct for different stages of project (Kenneth, 1998). This would suggest that different project management styles, and thus different competency profiles and leadership styles for the project manager would be appropriate for different phases of project. Why we emphasis the leadership or its qualities, the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State Essay Example for Free

Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State Essay This article argues that the first domestic institution in human history was not the family but the matrilineal clan. Engels here follows Lewis H. Morgans thesis as outlined in his major book, Ancient Society. Morgan was an American business lawyer who championed the land rights of Native Americans and became adopted as an honorary member of the Seneca Iroquois tribe. Traditionally, the Iroquois had lived in communal longhouses based on matrilineal descent and matrilocal residence, an arrangement giving women much solidarity and power. When nonhuman primate society and earliest human society, identifying sexual competition and the jealousy of the male as the vital issue that needed to be overcome to allow the emergence of the oldest form of family involving group marriage. Primitive communism was based in the matrilineal clan where women lived with their classificatory sisters – applying the principle that my sister’s child is my child. This kinship solidarity empowered women to take action against uncooperative males. Engels identified the world historic defeat of the female sex – the switch from what he called mother-right to father-right – with the onset of farming and pastoralism. This shift from matrilocality to patrilocality manifested itself in mens increased control in the home. Engels wrote: The man took command in the home also. The book begins with an extensive discussion of Ancient Society which describes the major stages of human development as commonly understood in Engels time. In contrast to other contemporary essays on the subject, Engels emphasizes the importance not of primitive psychological development but rather of social relations of power and control over material resources, sometimes related to the d evelopment of new technologies. Morgan, whose account of prehistory Engels largely accepts as given, focuses primarily on the first two stages  of Savagery and Barbarism but only ventures as far as the transition into Civilization. The terms Savagery and Barbarism as used by Morgan were meant to be objective and not terms of derision or disparagement as they might be assumed to be then or now. The Pairing Family, first indications of pairing are found in families where the husband has one primary wife. Inbreeding is practically eradicated by the prevention of a marriage between two family members who were even just remotely related, while relationships also start to approach monogamy. Property and economics begin to play a larger part in the family, as a pairing family had responsibility for the ownership of specific goods and property. Polygamy is still common amongst men, but no longer amongst women since their fidelity would ensure the child’s legitimacy. Women have a superior role in the family as keepers of the household and guardians of legitimacy. The pairing family is the form characteristic of the lower stages of barbarism. However, at this point, when the man died his inheritance was still given to his gens, rather than to his offspring. Engels refers to this economic advantage for men coupled with the womans lack of rights to lay claim to possessions for herself or her children (who became hers after a separation) as the overthrow of mother-right which was the world historical defeat of the female sex. For Engels, ownership of property created the first significant division between men and women in which the woman was inferior. It develops from the pairing family, as we have already shown, during the time of transition from the middle to the higher stage of barbarism. Its final victory is one of the signs of beginning civilization. It is founded on male supremacy for the pronounced purpose of breeding children of indisputable paternal lineage. The latter is required, because these children shall later on inherit the fortune of their father. The monogamous family is distinguished from the pairing family by the far greater durability of wedlock, which can no longer be dissolved at the pleasure of either party. As a rule, it is only the man who can still dissolve it and cast off his wife.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Lean Manufacturing Philosophy and Principles

Lean Manufacturing Philosophy and Principles Research for manufacturing systems: Introduction to report: Prior to the popular adoption of Lean Manufacturing, the demand for variety was not met. Customers wanted variety, including different models and diverse options. Lean manufacturing was invented in order to make it possible to provide continuity in process flow and a variety in product offerings (Womack et al., 1990). Lean techniques were then applied in order to provide the customer what they want, when they need it without any excess costs (Conner, 2004). This report aims to convey the ideas and philosophy of Lean Manufacturing. Moreover, the background of the origins of Lean Manufacturing shall be explored. Furthermore, Muda, Kaizen, the 5Ss, and station organization will be explained. Finally, a practical example that aids to visualize the principles of Lean Manufacturing is going to be given. Ideas and philosophy The definition of lean manufacturing is a systematic approach to identify and eliminating waste (non-value-added activities) through continuous improvement by flowing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection. (Kilpatrick, 2003) Furthermore, lean manufacturing is a method that can be defined, refined, and duplicated. It must focus on eliminating waste. Muda, the Japanese term for waste, includes many forms generally overlooked when walking through the plant. The idea of perfection is the waste-free cost of manufacturing a product. Identifying and eliminating waste is a Non-value-added activity, this means that it requires, action, time, or resources, but adds nothing in the eyes of the customer. The purpose of applying Lean manufacturing is to provide the customer with just what they want when they need it, with no excess cost. (Conner, 2004) Moreover, lean manufacturing is a method that depends greatly on flexibility and organization, it is ideal for companies that want new and fresh manufacturing methods. Additionally, lean techniques eliminate large capital outlays for dedicated machinery until automation becomes completely necessary. (Bosh Rexroth Corporation, 2009) Lean manufacturing represents a major change from automation. The less is better approach to manufacturing leads to a vastly simplified, uncluttered environment that is adjusted to the manufacturers demands. Products are manufactured one at a time in response to the customers requirements rather than batch manufactured. The goal is to produce only the quantity required and no more. Although, the lean approach is not the solution for all manufacturing problems, it does offer a flexible solution for assembling more complex products. (Bosh Rexroth Corporation, 2009) Origins of lean manufacturing (Akdeniz, 2015) The Toyota production system not only presently embodies lean manufacturing methodologies, but is ultimately behind the development of the lean business philosophy. Without the Toyota production system, we would not have lean manufacture. At the heart of the Toyota productions systems are two central concepts: Jidoka (intelligent automation) and Just in Time Manufacturing. The origins of Jidoka can be traced back to looms invented by Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of the Toyota group. Traditionally, weaving was extremely labour intensive, manual work, since the weaver constantly had to feed the weft (horizontal yarn) back and forth between the vertical yarns. Sakichi Toyodas mother worked for a loom, and as he used to watch her at work, his mind would ceaselessly churn out new ideas of how to make this a simpler and more efficient process. In 1890 at the age of 24, Sakichi invented an original, easy-to-use wooden hand loom that was almost 50 % more efficient than existing models that existed at the time. A key feature of this loom that led to this increased productivity was the ability of the weaver to use one hand to move the yarn back and forth so that they could feed in the weft simultaneously without interruption. Sakichi continued to experiment with new ideas, created more inventions and in 1924 he and his son Kiichiro developed the Model G, the worlds first high-speed loom that fed in new weft without interruption of work. Later on Kiichiro took control of Toyota and he led Toyota into automotive manufacture. In 1937 Kiichiro Toyoda commenced work on a Toyota vehicle manufacturing plant, and he began to develop his ideas behind Just in Time manufacturing. He wanted to establish a system that produced only what was needed, when it was needed, and in the amount required to meet the demand in order to save time, money, and workspace. As the Toyota Production system (TPS) matured and Toyota began to excel as a corporation, the rest of the world began taking notice. Through implementation of Jidoka and Just in Time manufacture- Toyota was able to become the standard for many companies around the world. In 1984 The TPS was translated into English and General Motors approached Toyota to negotiate a contract that lead to a joint venture. The Toyota-GM plant quickly became the highest ranked in US for quality. The term lean was used to describe the Toyota Production System by a research group led by James Womack, and later on the term was coined as lean manufacture. This was later on shared with the world when a book outlining the researchs findings, The Machine that Changed the World, was released. Nowadays, lean system and methodologies, first developed by Toyota, have been widely adapted and spread to all forms of industry ranging from hospitals, offices, and government administration to retail, the service industry and the military. In each incarnation, lean manufacturing has proved as innovative successful as the last. References: Akdeniz, C. (2015) Lean Manufacturing Explained Can Akdeniz Google Books. Bosh Rexroth Corporation (2009) Lean Manufacturing: Principles, Tools and Methods, (2.5). Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2017). Conner, G. (2004) Lean Manufacturing: Certification Workshop Participant Guide Gary Conner Google Books. Kilpatrick, J. (2003) Lean Principles. Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2017). Womack, J. P., Jones, D. T., Roos, D. and Sammons Carpenter, D. (1990) Machine that Changed the World James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, Daniel Roos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Google Books. Rawson Associates Scribner. Available at: machine that changed the worldf=false (Accessed: 8 March 2017).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Creon as Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Essay -- Antigone essays

Creon as Tragic Hero of Sophocles' Antigone There has always been a bit of confusion as to the tragic hero of the Greek Drama Antigone. Many assume that simply because the play is named for Antigone, that she is the tragic hero. However, evidence supports that Creon, and not Antigone, is the tragic hero of the play. Examining the factors that create a Greek Tragedy, and a tragic character, it is clear that the tragic hero is in fact Creon. First, take into account the timeframe in which Antigone was written. During the time of Sophocles, women were considered second-class citizens. They would not even be permitted to act i... ... Haimon are minor characters and are clearly not the tragic heroes of the play. Creon suffered the most, his losses were the greatest, and he was the only character to posses a tragic flaw. It is safe to assume that the only reason for Antigone ever being considered a tragic hero, is the misleading title of the play.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Time I Experienced Failure

When i was in 9th grade I almost failed my history class and I was concerned about my gpa as well. Coming into 9th grade I thought it was going to be really easy in 9th grade but I think the real problem was that I was not focused At that time i really didn’t know what gpa was and when i got to 10th grade after the first marking period i had a 3. 0 gpa, i didn’t expect that because in the first period of my 10th grade year i did really well but then i was told the reason it was low was because of my 9th grade year.Sometimes I wish I could go back to 9th grade and redo the grade. History class was not the only class that I was worried about because I was just passing some of the other class as well. After the first semester my parents, teachers were all concerned about me and their attention just gave me more pressure to do good. If i could just go back in time to fix the problems I had that year I really think that would help me get a better gpa and make me a better stu dent.After my 1st semester in high school all my teachers and parents paid lots of attention to me which really just scared me because I really didn’t want to repeat that history class again. When I look back I just think to myself why did I fool around in that class and not pay attention. Every assignment I got couldn’t be completed because I didn’t pay attention and when the teacher asked me for I said no. I felt like my teacher thought I was dumb because he recommend to put me in a lower history class next year but I know he was just doing what was best for me.I felt like nobody believed in me and thought what would happen when I move on in high school because it’s going to get tougher and tougher every year and I have to be prepared. There was trouble at home as well because my parents were really upset and thought what if i can’t go to college. My parents were afraid, if my bad grades continued it would be hard for me to get in college. After my first semester they decided that change was needed so they took my all game consoles, phone and everything till I improved my grades.My parents were at my school during my course selection, they weren’t happy when my teacher recommend me into a lower history class, I wanted to change the recommend and move on to next history class with my friend but my counselor and parents thought I should go a to lower history class. After a while I persuaded them into letting me move on but I had to pass history class this year or I would have to repeat same history class. That day I made a promise to myself that I would study my heart out to pass history class. Things were tough but I knew what I had to do to pass history.I had to stay after school to get help but it was worth it because at the end i passed history. I created lots of practices quiz, flashcards to help me through the class. I still use those strategies to this day, I am sure that’s the reason for my success in my classes. During this time my parents were pushing me to do better and they weren’t that happy because I passed history by 2 percent. Going into 10th grade I knew i had to get better grades which is what I did, I made lot’s of changes during the time which was necessary.I set goals to accomplished through every semester in 10th grade. In 9th grade I was scared to ask questions because if i said something dumb people would laugh at me but in 10th grade I didn’t care who laughed at me and asked lots of questions. All these things made me a better person and student. In all, I wanted to redo my 9th grade but in honesty if i didn’t have that year in my experiences I would have never learned from the mistakes. I would have never pushed my conscience to try harder and don’t give up. 9th grade was a rollercoaster ride but at the end I came out successful. Time I Experienced Failure When i was in 9th grade I almost failed my history class and I was concerned about my gpa as well. Coming into 9th grade I thought it was going to be really easy in 9th grade but I think the real problem was that I was not focused At that time i really didn’t know what gpa was and when i got to 10th grade after the first marking period i had a 3.0 gpa, i didn’t expect that because in the first period of my 10th grade year i did really well but then i was told the reason it was low was because of my 9th grade year. Sometimes I wish I could go back to 9th grade and redo the grade. History class was not the only class that I was worried about because I was just passing some of the other class as well. After the first semester my parents, teachers were all concerned about me and their attention just gave me more pressure to do good.If i could just go back in time to fix the problems I had that year I really think that would help me get a better gpa and make me a better stud ent. After my 1st semester in high school all my teachers and parents paid lots of attention to me which really just scared me because I really didn’t want to repeat that history class again. When I look back I just think to myself why did I fool around in that class and not pay attention.Every assignment I got couldn’t be completed because I didn’t pay attention and when the teacher asked me for I said no. I felt like my teacher thought I was dumb because he recommend to put me in a lower history class next year but I know he was just doing what was best for me. I felt like nobody believed in me and thought what would happen when I move on in high school because it’s going to get tougher and tougher every year and I have to be prepared.There was trouble at home as well because my parents were really upset and thought what if i can’t go to college. My parents were afraid, if my bad grades continued it would be hard for me to get in  college. Afte r my first semester they decided that change was needed so they took my all game consoles, phone and everything till I improved my grades.My parents were at my school during my course selection, they weren’t happy when my teacher recommend me into a lower history class, I wanted to change the recommend and move on to next history class with my friend but my counselor and parents thought I should go a to lower history class. After a while I persuaded them into letting me move on but I had to pass history class this year or I would have to repeat same history class. That day I made a promise to myself that I would study my heart out to pass history class.Things were tough but I knew what I had to do to pass history. I had to stay after school to get help but it was worth it because at the end i passed history. I created lots of practices quiz, flashcards to help me through the class.I still use those strategies to this day, I am sure that’s the reason for my success in m y classes. During this time my parents were pushing me to do better and they weren’t that happy because I passed history by 2 percent.Going into 10th grade I knew i had to get better grades which is what I did, I made lot’s of changes during the time which was necessary. I set goals to accomplished through every semester in 10th grade. In 9th grade I was scared to ask questions because if i said something dumb people would laugh at me but in 10th grade I didn’t care who laughed at me and asked lots of questions. All these things made me a better person and student.In all, I wanted to redo my 9th grade but in honesty if i didn’t have that year in my experiences I would have never learned from the mistakes. I would have never pushed my conscience to try harder and don’t give up. 9th grade was a rollercoaster ride but at the end I came out successful.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mass Communications essays

Mass Communications essays When it comes to what I would use as my primary source of news, its kind of hard to tell. I dont really watch much television, but I dont really follow anything on the internet. And I dont read newspapers at all any more. So I would say I really just listen to people. If there are people out saying that something happened, then I will go on the internet or try to watch it on Television to find out what exactly happened. So when asked about what my source would be when it comes to news, I would say its people. I personally dont use Twitter so I dont believe that its a good source for news. Its a social network and thats what it will always be. Its so easy for someone to post something that is completely wrong and then many people will believe it. When it comes to news, it should stay with the people who know how to research it and who can explain it the best. And usually that are news reporters for Television or for Newspapers. If I were to be asked how many of the First Amendment rights I knew, I could probably name at least three. I know that that is not nearly enough, but I feel like that is a nice amount to know. I feel like that is one thing that is not stressed enough when it comes to people learning about the history of America. More people should be educated on all of the rights, not just the cliche ones like: speech, religion and press. We should learn about all of the rights as if they are all equally important. I dont believe the first Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees. There are many things that it protects and that should be protected. Many people may think that its too broad in what it covers, but if it didnt cover everything, something small could have a drastic change in how it affects Americans. I also agree that the press has about the right amount of freedom. Sometimes it can go too far, like when it comes to tabl...